Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sweet Emma

Loving my sweet little Emma and how she walks around the house telling everyone that she loves them. She tells Parker almost everyday at random times that she loves him. How can I not love that about you little Emma Roo. You are all about dancing and putting on all your princess clothes on and shaking your booty! I took this picture a few weeks ago while she was playing in the bath, a thing you would do all day everyday if I let you! So on a little side note, something that I have yet to of written about around Halloween time Daryl jokingly told Emma that if she kept sucking her thumb her hand would turn in to a skeleton. Well we didn't think anything of it until a couple days later I noticed she hadn't sucked her thumb in a while and when I asked her about it she told me just what Daryl had said " I can't suck my thumb or it will turn into a skeleton". I couldn't believe that it actually worked, maybe not the best to scare her into stop sucking her thumb but it worked like a charm. We even told Luke,(her cousin) and he stopped too. So proud of her for being a big girl!

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