Tuesday, December 30, 2008


So this month we have watched a lot of the TV special "frosty the snowman" since Daryl recorded it for the kids. So when there was finally enough snow to make a snow man the kids were out the door running. Emma was fast to tell me we needed a hat so he could come to life. As for Parker, he remembered from last year snow man making we need chocolate chips for eyes and carrot for the nose. Don't know what I would do without these two!
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Melissa and Trevor said...

my kids have been waiting for snow! Too bad it is 67 degrees outside today, don't think snow will happen. How much fun your kids were having though....as always love the pics and your kids are cute. you will have to check out my blog to see our not so good news!

Jeff and Ashleigh said...

Oh so cute! And what a good idea! (the chocolate chip eyes...) We made a snowman on Christmas afternoon, and all it has is a carrot nose and some sunken in holes for eyes. Last year we used charcoal, but it just got the snow all dirty, and when it started to melt a little, the poor snowman looked like it had been beaten up! And the matchbox car idea totally sounds like something I would do! Smart thinking. But be prepared for Parker to write a more specific list next year!

Sarah said...

Yay I found you!!

I can't tell you how great it was reconnecting last night! Your family is darling! It will be fun staying in touch this way!

kelleen said...

YOur kids are sooo cute! How old are they? They look close to the same ages as my little ones. You look great too! Would never know you had 3!