Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Our little teacher...

I was cleaning the house and walked in the front room and found Emma doing this- teaching her little dolls, all three of them with some not dress I might add. She might have to enforce some kind of dress code. I love this little girl and her constant imagination. On a side note the kids have a funny new saying that they say anytime Daryl or I don't respond fast enough for their liking- "Mom (or Dad- you talk to me, talk to me". Parker started saying and now Emma has followed suit- appartenly we just don't respond fast enough!
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Sunday, November 2, 2008


So the top picture is of all the kids dressed up for the trunk or treat. They loved it but Parker kept saying-" No we are suppose to go to the houses, the doors , not cars!" We did go regular trick or treating and Parker was ahead of us the whole time. Then there was Emma - who told me at the latter part of our trick or treating adventure " You should've brought the troller (stroller). Too funny. The other pictures are of Parker at his preschool Halloween party. He had a pretty good time and was the loudest singer- which shocked me because usually he won't sing at all. I was happy to see that he is starting to come out of his shell.
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