Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dear Bella ~

Dear Bella-

I hope you understand how sad I am that you are not a baby anymore- I am really wasn't it just yesterday I was bringing you home from the hospital. So you have already out grown your high chair and since we don't have enough dining chairs you have improvised with a bar stool- which I do have to say you are amazing at pushing them all around the house, in places I would never think to put them! Over the last month you have found your voice- my favorite saying of yours is wheresdaddy- translated to Where is Daddy but you seem to think it is all one word. I love that you are in love with Emma so much so that as Emma has been at the cousins for the last few days you have been roaming the house calling her named and have been genuinely sad that she is not here! You are currently obsessed with Daddy right now and have to give him kisses when he leaves to work and greet him with yelling" Daddy's home" and bouncing around when he gets home.
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1 comment:

Barb said...

Isn't is crazy how fast they grow!? She does look like a big girl - not so much a baby...time to have another one I guess! ;)