Monday, April 12, 2010

Okay recap of March...

Okay I am so in trouble with this little one- lately she just wants to walk around the house naked. I think she is ready to start potty training soon but I am so not! The other day when I picked her up and she said as clear as day " I love you". Melted my heart! She also is loving talking to anyone whose is on the phone and always calls them Angie. Apparently I talk to Angie a lot!

Just some candids of the girls - Parker lately won't let me near him with the camera.

Bath time pics- Sadly Parker is getting too old for these:(
They were launching water rockets on this day and bouncing on the trampoline.
This month Parker and Emma have found a friend down the street to play with and have figured out they can go knock on his door all by themselves and see if he wants to play. They have been entertained for hours and I have been able to get loads of laundry done. Win- Win!
Parker is always asking to do projects so on this day we came up with hand trees- it keep them busy for awhile:)
Parker is always asking to do projects so on this day we came up with hand trees- it keep them busy for awhile:)

The kids planting flowers in egg shells. Let's hope they actually grow and not die from being over watered!
So Parker requested an incredible Hulk cake since we wanted to celebrate his riding his bike without training wheels. So I am not known for making cakes, it could be said that I am known for my hideous looking cakes- case and point with this one but Parker seemed to like so that is all that matters!
This is a wreath I made that seriously took like 5 hours to make- note self next time just go buy on at the store!

This was a magnetic Board I made for Angie's Birthday, I had a hard time letting go!


Barb said...

So many fun pics! I love the one of Bella splashing in the bathtub.

Kris said...

Nik, I love all of your cute creative crafts that you do with the kids. Those hand trees would look so cute in little frames with the cute paper you used. And that magnetic board is awesome!

Carr Family said...

Creativity oozes from you!! I love all the pics and especially love that our little Remy isn't the only nudist running around a house.

P.s. I will copy the "Hand Tree's" cute.