Well we are a bunch of procrastinators in this family- we couldn't decide if we wanted to go with family to Moab or just camp locally- well Friday morning we were still undecided but jumped in the truck and drove- with no reservations on Memorial Day weekend- not a good idea. After being turned away at three different campsites we finally found a site up Provo canyon right by Sundance. The kids favorite part of the trip - Parker: smores, Emma- smores and casing butterflies, Bella- marshmallows . This is what they told me when I asked- still shocked Bella answered, she is growing up too fast. Had to snap a shot of Daryl's expert backing up skills of the camp site( it was a tight turn). Can you tell how annoyed he is of me insisting on taking a picture. Smores were a big hit this year- usually the kids would just eat the marshmallows or the chocolate separately but this year they figured out the awesomeness that is the smore! Daddy love - makes me fall in love with him all over again! This site had tons of trees so of course the kids had to climb them all. Bike racing down the campsite hill, Parker also learned how to bomb it!?-something Daryl taught -not using your brakes- awesome idea Dad! At least there were not crashes right! Bella found a dog in Angie's backpack carrier and carried it everywhere- thanks Chloe for leaving it behind! Parker and Emma were expert worm hunters but man were they gross and slimy. Loved having campfires every night:)
Emma got all dressed up for her preschool program- okay maybe the dressing up was my idea! Bella has decided that she is big enough to play out back even without her brother and sister. She honestly could stay out there for hours if I let her. Parker started a rollie pollie collection as he puts it. On the days that it wasn't raining/snowing we played outside. Parker's last soccer game of the season and he scored a goal. He even told us before we got there that he was going to score a goal and afterward said-"see I told you I would". Some good old brotherly sisterly love! Mother's Day was wonderful this year- filled with breakfast in bed - Poppies for my flower beds- flowers that Daryl helped the kids make the containers for at Lowe's and of course projects from Parker and Emma's school. I only have a picture of Parker's project because Emma borrowed/took my mother's day card to be lost in the abyss that is her room:) Just some regular day photos that sometimes I forget to take but absolutely love because this is us everyday. May started with a visit from Grandma Rita and Grandpa Keith. The kids loved that Grandma would jump on the trampoline with them! She won their heart on that one but swinging on the swings was the cherry on top!