Sunday, November 2, 2008


So the top picture is of all the kids dressed up for the trunk or treat. They loved it but Parker kept saying-" No we are suppose to go to the houses, the doors , not cars!" We did go regular trick or treating and Parker was ahead of us the whole time. Then there was Emma - who told me at the latter part of our trick or treating adventure " You should've brought the troller (stroller). Too funny. The other pictures are of Parker at his preschool Halloween party. He had a pretty good time and was the loudest singer- which shocked me because usually he won't sing at all. I was happy to see that he is starting to come out of his shell.
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Melissa and Trevor said...

very cute kids and costumes. I will call you soon, my cell phone broke and I just got a new one!

Jeff and Ashleigh said...

I love the bumble bee and flower! Was Parker Spiderman? I couldn't really see his costume in the first picture. He was too cute holding baby Bella! We wanted to be scarecrows and have our kids all be crows one year. We thought it would be funny. But we haven't used that one yet.

Carr Family said...

The costumes are fabulous. Remy was a bee like Emma and Liam kept calling her a "pollen jock" from the Bee movie. Thats a funny word to hear a two year old say. Looks like lots of fun things are going on in the Anderson home.