Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Our little teacher...

I was cleaning the house and walked in the front room and found Emma doing this- teaching her little dolls, all three of them with some not dress I might add. She might have to enforce some kind of dress code. I love this little girl and her constant imagination. On a side note the kids have a funny new saying that they say anytime Daryl or I don't respond fast enough for their liking- "Mom (or Dad- you talk to me, talk to me". Parker started saying and now Emma has followed suit- appartenly we just don't respond fast enough!
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Angie Monson said...

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree:)

Jeff and Ashleigh said...

Oh how cute! She does have a little imagination. And the Mom! Talk to me! Talk to me! sounds just like Sarah!! Only she says, Moooommm. You're not doing what you said! This is after about 3 seconds of waiting after asking for something. Must seem like an eternity to a four year old, huh?

MStevenson said...

Wow, time goes by fast, or I'm just not with it...three kids?? All your kids are so cute. And I love all your photography!

Barb said...

Hey Nicole!

Glad you commented on our blog. I love all of yours! You have some great photography! And it's so fun to see pictures of your kids, so cute.

We do need to get together sometime! I'll email you.