Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Well it's spring inside but not so much outside! So I am not a green thumb at all so I was so pleased when the kids and I planted these flowers and they are actually growing. I have to give props to Daryl since he clued me in on putting it in the window so it could get some sun ( kind of important). The kids are loving it and go and try to water them every day. Parker tells me "it's growing mom, it's really growing". Sometimes the simplest things bring me so much joy.
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1 comment:

Jeff and Ashleigh said...

That's too cute. Sarah is the same way. She gets very excited over the garlic bulb we planted a few weeks ago. She sees it and says, "Mom! It's getting bigger!"

Congrats to Daryl for surviving the layoffs, by the way. What a relief, huh? Whew!