Friday, March 13, 2009


So Emma, Bella and I went on a walk last weekend and the weather was so nice! Now not so much:( We have been taking advantage of the nice weather so on a another day we went to the park for the first time since Fall. Emma was full of pure joy! She was laughing about everything and really just full of excitement. I love seeing her so happy. Funny little thing happened while we were there- she told me she needed to go potty but the door was locked and just to add insult to injury there was a dead bird in front of the door. So I asked her if she hold it until we got home- she said yes. So we went about playing and then when I picked her up I felt that she was wet so I asked her "Did you pee your pants?" to which she responded in matter of factly "No, I peed my tights"! That she did, she was wearing tights instead of pants!
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Jeff and Ashleigh said...

I love those pictures. She looks absolutely adorable, and I love the outfit, all the way down to the necklace! It gets me excited for Spring! Can't wait to go to the park again.

Slipcovers by Shelley said...

How darling is that first pic!!! The pure joy of a child when they are happy... gotta love it. Priceless.