Friday, February 27, 2009

Take me to Mars- No, Really!

Can you spot all three of my kiddos in the last picture? So we are dying of bordom and Parker follows me around the house asking "What are we going to do next"- ALL DAY LONG! So yesterday we got creative thanks to a ad in Parenting Magazine that had this idea to make a space shuttle out of a box. So once we got it all set up and I tell Parker we are going to Blast off and we count down 3, 2, 1- He looks at me and says (imagine sad puppy eyes)"It didn't work!" I go on to explain that we are just playing pretend. Which he responds with "NO not pretend!" I finally got him to calm down by turning on the vacuum for a little sound effect action. Poor kid really thought we were going to Mars! I have remember these fun moments as all I have had today has been crying, and whinning . Some days are good I just have to remember that!
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Angie Monson said...

you are such a good mommy.

Jeff and Ashleigh said...

What a cute idea! Those pictures turned out great, too. I loved the "rings" around Parker's head! How fun. Sarah would love that. I know what you mean about they crying all day, too. Must be something in the water!

kelleen said...

those kind of days are just no fun at all- you are amazing to have put together that space ship-amazing creativity amid the madness. I bet they'll love it on another day when not so fussy!